In the modern world there are more ways to work than ever before. The Covid-19 pandemic forced businesses to innovate and many switched to a work-from-home model with great success. Now, the dominant pattern is hybrid working where people split their time between home and the office.
The benefits of this flexibility for both employers and employees are well documented. Despite some significant pushback and large companies like Amazon and JP Morgan mandating that everyone needs to work from the office, it looks like a hybrid model is here to stay.
With that in mind, is it worth large businesses adapted to hybrid working investing in new office space? Or should you stick with what you have? The answer will depend on your unique circumstances, but on the whole we can say that maximising the investment in an office space can pay dividends. Read on to find out why office rentals are worth the investment for large businesses.
What types of office are available?
Firstly, it is worth knowing what office types are available. Previously, the dominant type of office rental space was to choose a whole floor or building and lease it for a long period of time. This is an inflexible arrangement and there are now better options available.
Serviced offices to rent provide everything you need in one package – and only what you need. You won’t pay for additional space that you don’t need, and you won’t pay extra bills on top. You can arrange to pay month-by-month and expand the space when you need to, limiting your spend and keeping your business streamlined.
In the age of hybrid working this is an extremely valuable feature. If your staff are only in the office a few days a week then you won’t need as much space. Investing in an office rental like this will allow you to reduce your space while retaining your head count.
Many serviced offices will also provide you with meeting rooms and other amenities that you can rent or reserve as you need them. Choosing a flexible, serviced office to invest in can give you all the benefits of a traditional office with none of the downsides.
Learn more about different types of office space by clicking here.
Why office space is a good investment for your business
An office can be a centrepiece of your brand. Even in a time when more work than ever is done by videocall, clients will still associate your company with your brand and investing in an office can be a big part of that. It is a physical location for people to visit and the backdrop for every meeting.
When choosing your office rental, you will be able to customise it to whatever degree you want. This can include furniture, signage, colour scheme and more. Providers like FigFlex will be happy to work with you to make sure that your office space is truly yours.
Investing in the right office space and making it your own will also have a positive effect on your employees. Providing a comfortable workspace that allows people to get out of the home when they work can motivate them and increase productivity at the same time – as well as making it easier to attract and retain the best employees.
Likewise, if you choose a serviced office building you will be able to make use of break-out spaces, meeting rooms and other amenities to promote collaboration and creativity. This is not possible in the same way when working from home and goes a long way to making an office rental a great investment for your business.
And it’s not just your staff who will benefit from the collaborative environment an office provides. Your clients will enjoy it too as the office will give you the perfect venue for visits, planning sessions, meetings and more.
An office rental is worth the investment for all businesses including large businesses who may be looking to reassess their space due to hybrid working. Want to find an office space to rent that works for your business? Get in touch with the team today by clicking here.